Sarah Blonsky
for Whitnall School Board

Vote April 2nd 2024

Support Sarah Blonsky for School Board!

Thank you so much for considering a donation to Sarah’s campaign. 

Donations will help us spread the word about Sarah and her platform.


Checks may be mailed to:

Sarah Blonsky for School Board 

4303 S. 118th St., Greenfield, WI 53228.


Securely donate online using Donorbox by clicking the button below. 

You also can request a yard sign that will be delivered directly to your yard free of charge.

WhitnALL means ALL

Sarah Blonsky stands up for ALL students. Every single student has a right to be included and respected. Sarah will be an advocate for marginalized students.


Sarah Blonsky is against policies that limit the use of preferred pronouns, book bans, and any other policies that would harm students or violate civil rights.  Students should have the freedom to discover and explore who they are and who they want to be in a supportive environment. 

District Finances

Whitnall School District is in a very strong financial position. Thanks to the hard work of our staff we have paid down our debt early and earned a top financial rating. As a board member, Sarah Blonsky will collaborate with school board colleagues and the business management team to maintain this pattern of fiscal responsibility.

Whitnall School District is in a unique position to pass a referendum to address deferred maintenance and needed improvements, potentially without significantly raising the school tax rate.  

Sarah believes it is imperative to seize this opportunity to build equity in our school facilities while keeping in mind the fiscal needs of ALL community members. 

Support for Staff

Sarah Blonsky is a former kindergartner teacher and currently holds an elementary education teaching license. As an educator, she is deeply concerned about staff morale and retention. Quality teachers and staff are vital to the success of our district.


Sarah Blonsky will make decisions and support policies that provide staff with the support and resources to be successful.


On the latest staff survey, Board cohesion was noted as an area for improvement. Sarah agrees that Whitnall needs a cohesive, respectful, and supportive School Board. Sarah wants to help improve Board function so we can focus on supporting staff and students.

Success for ALL

Whitnall School District has a reputation for supporting ALL students.  Sarah knows that it is important to look at a wide variety of metrics to fully understand where we are succeeding and where we can grow. Student success isn’t one size fits all. 


As a licensed educator, Sarah Blonsky believes that we need to focus on student growth and opportunities. We need to ensure that we are meeting the individual goals of WhitnALL students. This past year we have seen growth in achievement in every single demographic category per DPI. This, combined with the wide variety of extra-curricular achievements, shows that WhitnALL IS on the road to success.


As we continue to move forward, Sarah believes in maintaining high expectations so ALL students can be successful in WhitnALL and beyond.

Upcoming Events

Candidate Forum

The candidate Forum was held in person on March 4th. If you missed it you can watch the recording here.

Vote411 Guide

All 4 candidates provided answers for the League of Women Voters’ Voters’ Guide. Read our answers here.

Whitnall Booster Club
March 11th, 6pm

Join us in the Whitnall High School Library.

Candidates will share briefly why they are running for School Board at the beginning of the meeting. Sarah will be in attendance.

Middle School PTO
March 13th, 6pm

Join us in the Whitnall Middle School Library.

Candidates will share briefly why they are running for School Board at the beginning of the meeting. Sarah will be in attendance.

Edgerton PTO
March 14th, 7pm

Join us in the Edgerton Elementary Library.

Candidates will share briefly why they are running for School Board at the beginning of the meeting. Sarah will be in attendance.

Hales Corners PTO,
March 19th, 6:30 pm

Join us in the Hales Corners Elementary Library.

Candidates will share briefly why they are running for School Board at the beginning of the meeting. Sarah will be in attendance.


4303 S. 118th St, Greenfield, WI 53228

Sarah Blonsky has been a proud Greenfield homeowner for nearly 9 years. She lives in the Sunset Meadows neighborhood.

We want to hear from you!